health tips why cancer is often detected in the last stage know causes symptoms treatment

health tips why cancer is often detected in the last stage know causes symptoms treatment

Cancer Last Stage : On hearing the name of cancer, one’s hands and feet start trembling. Death starts looming in front of the eyes. Earlier, we used to hear the name of cancer only occasionally, but now every day we get news of someone suffering from cancer. It is becoming a common disease. Many big celebrities are also falling prey to it.

Recently, TV actress Hina Khan was also diagnosed with breast cancer. In which cancer was detected in the third stage. In such a situation, the question arises that why a disease like cancer is detected late. Where do we fail to understand its symptoms in the beginning. Let’s know the answers to these…

Why is cancer detected only in the last stage?

1. Deteriorating lifestyle
Be it a celebrity or a common man, everyone’s lifestyle has deteriorated a lot these days. Many people smoke, drink alcohol and consume intoxicants. They neither have time to eat nor do physical activities. Due to this, their immunity becomes weak and they become more susceptible to diseases.

After working all day, they live such a busy lifestyle that they do not even get time to get tests done, so serious diseases are not detected on time. Due to excessive stress and unhealthy lifestyle, people are becoming careless about their health.

2. Ignoring early symptoms
Lack of awareness about a disease or lack of information about it can often lead to a major disease. Most people consider even major and dangerous diseases to be ordinary, which leads to delay in diagnosis. The same is the case with cancer, in which due to lack of information, cancer is detected only in the last stage in most people and treatment starts late.

3. Do not share anything with others
Many people ignore any problem when they are in it. They do not share it with their friends or family members. Due to not taking timely advice from an expert, it is too late to know which disease is developing in them.

4. Lack of health awareness
Many people make others aware of diseases but do not take their own health seriously. Due to this, they are not able to know what problems their body is in. Some people believe in hearsay spread in the society and make the mistake of considering themselves healthy, due to which diseases like cancer are detected late.

Disclaimer: Some of the information given in the news is based on media reports. Before implementing any suggestion, please consult the concerned expert.

Also read: This cancer is very dangerous, due to lack of information a woman dies every 7 minutes, keep these things in mind

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